Category Lot Wizard Ads

BHPH Online Payments

BHPH Online Payments Allow customers to make car payments online. Lot Wizard integrates with FortisPay for online Buy Here Pay Here payments. For more information, contact Customer Support at (800) 677-7160

Upgrade to Lot Wizard Pro

Upgrade to Lot Wizard Pro The days of compromising fun for work are long gone. With Lot Wizard Pro and a simple internet connection, you can be productive at home, at the clubhouse, or at your favorite sporting event. The…

Data Feeds to Advertisers

Did you know that Lot Wizard can send your inventory to third party websites such as Autotrader,, eBay, and more? This means you never have to re-enter your inventory or re-upload your photos again. With the click of a…

Integrate with 700 Credit

Friday Systems’ Lot Wizard Pro integrates with 700 Credit. With the 700 Credit Compliance Dashboard built right into our DMS, F&I managers now have the option to request credit scores, retrieve saved scores, or submit a Quick Check for their customers…